NE-Sen: Kleeb outraises Johanns in Q2

Democratic Nebraska Senate candidate Scott Kleeb outraised former Bush Administration official and governor of Nebraska Mike Johanns in Q2. Johanns raised nearly $683,000 while Kleeb raised nearly $700,000.

This is huge news for Kleeb. Johanns has a head start since he started campaigning in September and Scott only got in the race in February but since February Scott has raised more then Johanns. Still those almost five months gave Johanns close to 2 million dollars and it’s important to close the gap. Scott is a great candidate and if we want to get to 60 seats and get stuff done in 2009 then we’re going to need to win this race. Nebraska native Mike Lux has made that case well.

This is a key race that is winnable but Kleeb needs all the support we can give him. He’s very close to the $1,000,000 mark. Let’s put him over the top. We’ve got to stand with those who stand with us.

To get more of a feel for Scott check out this ad from his primary campaign.

And check out his slick newly redesigned website here.

Yes We Kleeb!

As a nation, we must provide high-quality, affordable, and portable coverage for all Americans. Increasingly, this is not just a moral imperative but an economic necessity as the high cost of health care coverage is putting American business, large and small alike, at a weaker competitive advantage with their overseas competitors. Working with all parties, we must guarantee all Americans access to affordable health plans, regardless of income or illness. – Scott Kleeb

3 thoughts on “NE-Sen: Kleeb outraises Johanns in Q2”

  1. I remember seeing polls a few months back that showed Kleeb down like 15 points or more. If he has closed to gap to around an 8 point deficit by now then I think he might have a slight change to win.

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